Our Temple celebrates the birth and enlightenment of the SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA, and also the following major Feasts and Festivals with rituals and ceremonies:
Birth of Sakyamuni Buddha (8th day of the 4th Month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar)
Feast of Kuanyin (29th day of the 3rd Month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar)
Feast of DiZhang Pusa (30th day of the 7th Month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar)
Chinese New Year (1st day of the 1st Month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar.
Ching Ming Festival (5th day of the 7th Month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar)
Feast of the Hungry Ghost or Feast of the Wandering Ghost (15th day of the 7th Month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar)
All Souls Day (November 01)
Please contact our office for arrangement regarding rituals and ceremonies such as prayers for the passage to the afterlife, (KHONG TIEK) intercession for merits, observance of the 49th day, 1st death anniversary, and end of mourning rites (2nd year anniversary).
SU HAO TONG can arrange for the performance of the various after funeral rituals which includes flowers, incense, joss sticks, candles, fruits for offering for the altar and gratuity for the sutra incantations at the cost of Php 9,000.00 per session. For interested parties, please visit the Sanctuarium office at least three (3) days in advance of the actual date of the ceremony/ritual.
SU HAO TONG is open everyday from 9am to 12nn and from 2:30 to 6:30pm.
聖國思孝堂,供奉 釋迦牟尼佛, 觀世音菩薩和 地藏王菩薩. 並設有亡靈 神位, 以利家屬思親祭拜.
本堂於眾 神明誕辰紀念日與 下列節日舉辦法會, 歡迎信徒膜拜求平安.
釋迦牟尼佛生辰 (中國曆 四月初八日)
觀世音菩薩生辰 (中國曆 三月初二十九日)
地藏王菩薩生辰 (中國曆 七月初三十日)
新年 (中國曆 正月初一日)
清明節 (中國曆 四月初五日)
中元節 (中國曆 七月初十五日)
亡人節 (西元曆 11月1日)
以上法會時間會略有出入, 請與公司查詢正確時間. 另提供家屬服務 分別為 旬, 對年, 大祥, 功德. 本堂準備 花, 果, 齋, 香燭以及 師父頌經. 每堂P9,000.00 請於三天前預定